{{Infobox international football competition2 | tourney_name = <!- PAGE NAME--> | year = | yearr = | other_titles = | image = | size = | alt = | caption = | city = | country = | dates = | num_teams = | confederations = <!-- use only one of these three options --> | sub-confederations = <!-- use only one of these three options --> | associations = <!-- use only one of these three options --> | venues = | cities = | champion = <!-- automatically wraps into {{fb}} template --> | champion_other = <!-- use instead if the team is not in {{fb}} (enter your own code) --> | count = | second = <!-- automatically wraps into {{fb}} template --> | second_other = <!-- use instead if the team is not in {{fb}} (enter your own code) --> | third = <!-- automatically wraps into {{fb}} template --> | third_other = <!-- use instead if the team is not in {{fb}} (enter your own code) --> | fourth = <!-- automatically wraps into {{fb}} template --> | fourth_other = <!-- use instead if the team is not in {{fb}} (enter your own code) --> | fifth = <!-- automatically wraps into {{fb}} template --><!-- digunakan untuk pasukan yang kalah di separuh akhir tanpa ada kedudukan tempat ketiga dan Keempat--> | fifth_other = <!-- use instead if the team is not in {{fb}} (enter your own code) --><!-- digunakan untuk pasukan yang kalah di separuh akhir tanpa ada kedudukan tempat ketiga dan Keempat--> | matches = | goals = | attendance = | top_scorer = | player = | young_player = | goalkeeper = | prevseason = | nextseason = | updated = 6 Januari 2023 }}
Contoh 1
![]() logo rasmi Piala Dunia 2030 | |
Perincian kejohanan | |
Negara tuan rumah | Indonesia |
Tarikh | 6 Jun – 24 Jun |
Pasukan | 40 (dari 1 konfederasi) |
Tempat | 6 (di 6 bandar) |
Kedudukan Akhir | |
Juara | ![]() |
Naib Juara | ![]() |
Tempat Ketiga | ![]() |
Tempat Keempat | ![]() |
Statistik kejohanan | |
Jumlah perlawanan | 2 |
Jaringan gol | 64 (32 per perlawanan) |
Kehadiran | 921,476 (460,738 per perlawanan) |
Penjaring terbanyak | ![]() |
Pemain terbaik | ![]() |
Semua statistik tepat pada 6 Januari 2023. |
{{Infobox international football competition2 | tourney_name = Piala Dunia | year = 2030 | other_titles = | image = No image.svg | size = 200px | alt = Blank image | caption = logo rasmi Piala Dunia 2030 | country = Indonesia | dates = 6 Jun – 24 Jun | num_teams = 40 | confederations = 1 | venues = 6 | cities = 6 | champion_other = {{fb|NED}} | second_other = {{fb|MAS}} | third_other = {{fb|ENG}} | fourth_other = {{fb|IDN}} | count = 1 | matches = 2 | goals = 64 | attendance = 921476 | top_scorer = {{flagicon|IDN}} [[Carlos Pavón]] | player = {{flagicon|BRA}} [[Julian De Guzman]] | young_player = | updated = 6 Januari 2023 }}
Contoh 2
![]() logo rasmi Piala Serumpun 2017 | |
Perincian kejohanan | |
Negara tuan rumah | Malaysia |
Tarikh | 6 Jun – 24 Jun |
Pasukan | 12 (dari 1 konfederasi) |
Tempat | 6 (di 6 bandar) |
Kedudukan Akhir | |
Juara | ![]() |
Naib Juara | ![]() |
Separuh Akhir | ![]() ![]() |
Statistik kejohanan | |
Jumlah perlawanan | 4 |
Jaringan gol | 64 (16 per perlawanan) |
Kehadiran | 921,476 (230,369 per perlawanan) |
Penjaring terbanyak | ![]() |
Pemain terbaik | ![]() |
Semua statistik tepat pada 6 Januari 2023. |
{{Infobox international football competition2 | tourney_name = Piala Serumpun | year = 2017 | other_titles = | image = No image.svg | size = 200px | alt = Blank image | caption = logo rasmi Piala Serumpun 2017 | country = Malaysia | dates = 6 Jun – 24 Jun | num_teams = 12 | confederations = 1 | venues = 6 | cities = 6 | champion_other = {{fb|BRU}} | count = 1 | second_other = {{fb|IDN}} | fifth_other = {{fb|MAS}}<br>{{fb|SIN}} | matches = 4 | goals = 64 | attendance = 921476 | top_scorer = {{flagicon|MAS}} [[Mohammad (pemain bola sepak)|Mohammad]] | player = {{flagicon|BRU}} [[Muhammad (pemain bola sepak)|Muhammad]] | young_player = | updated = 6 Januari 2023 }}
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Tarikh hanya akan disertakan jika anda menggunakan {{Tarikh mula}} atau {{Tarikh akhir}} (gunakan yang sebelumnya untuk tarikh yang tunggal; tetapi jangan gunakan kedua-duanya jika tarikhnya adalah sebelum 1583 CE).
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