Terdapat banyak sumber untuk imej di internet yang diterbit di bawah lesen bebas (iaitu, GFDL, Creative Commons Attribution atau Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike, "public domain", dan sebagainya).
Bukan semua imej yang boleh dicari pada laman yang tersenarai dilesen di bawah lesen yang bebas. Anda masih bertanggungjawab untuk memeriksa status hakcipta imej-imej sebelum muat naik mereka ke Wikipedia.
Tolong baca: Wikipedia:Polisi penggunaan imej
Tengok juga:
Imej am
- http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/ammemhome.html Library of Congress American Memory site (Check copyright information for the separate items before deciding to use them!)
- http://teachpol.tcnj.edu/amer_pol_hist/ - public domain images of American Political History
- http://www.exclassics.com/newgate/ngillus.htm Images from The Newgate Calendar. Mostly crimes and criminals from the 18th century. Also other works at http://www.exclassics.com
- http://fromoldbooks.org/ Collection images scanned from various old books that are now in the public domain. Searchable. Used to be at http://www.holoweb.net/~liam/pictures/oldbooks/
- http://www.john-leech-archive.org.uk/ John Leech sketch archives 1841 until 1864 from Punch magazine The page states they are long out of copyright and that they are believed to be public domain.
- http://beinecke.library.yale.edu/dl_crosscollex/ Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library's online collection of digital images. Most will be {PD-art}. 90,000 images from rare books and manuscripts, search by keyword.
- http://digitalgallery.nypl.org NewYork Public Library. Over 370,000 images scanned from books. Including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints and photographs, illustrated books, printed ephemera, and more. There is a per-image usage fee even for public domain images.
Zaman spesifik
- World War II Poster Collection over 300 posters issued by U.S. Federal agencies
- Photos of the Great War many images of World War I, scanned in from public domain resources. Slight usage notice, which is probably compatible with GFDL (requires attribution and link, as does GFDL, requests e-mail notice of usage).
- The Heritage of the Great War has several colour pictures from World War I (likely all PD, since the effort taken to scan/reproduce them probably fails to qualify for being a derivative work).
- World's Armed Forces Forum (gallery for images taken from the French Ministry of Culture's website) hosts more colour images of World War I (likely all PD, since the effort taken to scan/reproduce them probably fails to qualify for being a derivative work).
- http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/childlabor/ Child Labor in america 1908 - 1912 by Lewis W. Hine
- http://utopia.utexas.edu/project/portraits/ - A selection of portraits of historical figures
- http://teachpol.tcnj.edu/amer_pol_hist/ - A collection of over 500 public domain images of American Political History
- http://www.sonoma.edu/psychology/psychart.htm Public domain drawings of famous psychologists. Some better than others.
- http://www.imf.org/external/np/adm/pictures/captions.htm Photos of the IMF.
- http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/daghtml/daghome.html - more than 700 Daguerreotypes 1839 - 1864 (mostly portraits)
- http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/vvhtml/vvhome.html Creative Americans 1932 - 1964, photographs by Carl Van Vechten; 1400 public domain portrait photos
- http://www.loc.gov/rr/print Portraits of famous people, Library of Congress (not all public domain; remember, anything prior to 1923 is, and post-1922 images on the site that are copyright free are indicated)
- http://www.generalsandbrevets.com - portraits of all the generals (+1,000) of the American Civil War.
- http://www.noelcollection.org/noel/noelimag.html - Noel Collection Image Bank asks for a backlink and non-commercial use but almost all are pre-1923 and so PD
- http://www.state.gov/ U.S. Department of State - good for pictures of politicians and diplomats, but check that images do not have an alternative copyright. If a copyright is indicated on a photo, graphic, or other material, permission to copy these materials must be obtained from the original source. For photos without captions or with only partial captions, hold your cursor over the photo to view the "alt tag" for any copyright information.
- http://www.artrenewal.org/asp/database/contents.asp - Images of the works of more than 2,600 realist painters many in the public domain, check catalogue for dates of works and artists.
- http://www.pdfoto.com - Free for commercial use. 3D and Digital Art as well as public domain photos. All images are organized by category.
- http://www.wga.hu/index1.html - "a virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture from 12th to mid-19th centuries"
Kesenian visual
Nota: Gambar salinan lansung hasi-seni visual tanpa kandungan pernyataan (expressive content) akan masuk domain umum apabila hakcipta gambar asal luput (sebagaimana ianya di US sekiranya ia diterbitkan sebelum 1923). Kesemua notis hakcipta boleh diabaikan dengan selamat.
- The National Gallery, London(requires Java plugin for large versions)
- The National Portrait Gallery, London
- The Louvre
- http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/
- http://www.kfki.hu/~arthp/
- http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/
- http://sunsite.dk/cgfa/
Logo dan bendera
- http://www.sodipodi.com/index.php3?section=clipart/flags&area=flags 376 (at last count) public-domain flags (many national, some regional) in SVG format. Can be easily rasterized into high-quality PNGs. (Apparently no longer actively maintained, with expansion handed over to http://www.openclipart.org/cgi-bin/navigate/signs_and_symbols/flags )
- http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ CIA World Factbook
Koleksi am
- http://www.public-domain-photos.com - 5000 public domain photos in hight quality. All for commercial and personal use.
- Public Domain Cliparts Over 8000 public domain cliparts - all with no copyright restrictions and svg source..
- Free Photo Gate - A collection of free stock photos organized by categories.
- http://freephotos.lu Free public domain photos for public and commercial use.
- http://www.wpclipart.com - Public Domain clipart optimized for use in word processors. Browsable via site treeview and thumbnail pages. Complete collection also downloadable from ibiblio.
- http://yotophoto.com - Free image search engine including public domain, Creative Commons and GFDL images. Currently indexing over 130,000 free images.
- http://www.burningwell.org - Repository of public domain photos.
- http://www.osterkartenausstellung.at/ - Easter Postcards from 1898 till today from 32 states all over the world - an international exhibition.
- http://www.gutenberg.net/catalog/ - Project Gutenberg: 12,000+ books, only a few illustrated, but the number of illustrated books increases from week to week. There are thousands upon thousands of PD images to be had, with a wee bit of legwork and a modicum of serendipity.
- http://backgroundsarchive.com - Thousands of public domain images organized by category, color and brightness.
- http://gimp-savvy.com/PHOTO-ARCHIVE/ - GIMP Archive: 32,000+ Royalty-free photos, organized by keyword.
- http://www.openclipart.org/ - This project is an archive of public domain clip art. The clip art is stored in the W3C scalable vector graphics (SVG) format.
- http://www.pdfoto.com/ - Public Domain photography and art website. Small but growing fast with over 25,000 images to be uploaded. All images are organized by category and free for commercial use.
- http://www.pixeleye.com Pixeleye.com - Pictures from the Montafon Valley. Collection of public domain photos organized by category.
- http://www.pdimages.com/ - Random assortment of Public Domain images.
- http://pdphoto.org/ - Large collection of mostly public domain photos. Read the license for each picture before use; also, model releases may not have been obtained for all photos.
- http://www.logodesignweb.com/stockphoto/ - Small but growing public domain stock photos released by photographer.
- http://srufaculty.sru.edu/david.dailey/public/public_domain.htm - Scanned and colorised etchings claimed to be PD images.
- If any page or image seems missing, replace http://www.sru.edu/depts/cisba/compsci/dailey in its URI with http://srufaculty.sru.edu/david.dailey/
- http://www.brazilpostcard.com.br Old Postcards from Brazil
- http://www.wisegorilla.com/clipart.html - All kinds of clipart.
- http://www.freephotos.se/ - Small personal photographic collection dedicated to the public domain.
- http://www.mathpuzzle.com/loyd/ Images of pages of a 1914 book of puzzles
- http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/sacredspiral/ - Public Domain Pagan Clipart
- http://content.lib.washington.edu/costumehistweb/index.html - fashion plate archive
- http://www.uprr.com/aboutup/photos/ - Thousands of photographs from as early as 1860 taken by employees of the Union Pacific railroad
- http://www.john-leech-archive.org.uk/ - John Leech Sketch archives from Punch magazine. The page states they are long out of copyright and that they are believed to be public domain.
- http://www.sru.edu/depts/cisba/compsci/dailey/public/public_domain.htm
- http://www.ready2move.be/pics/ - Belgian nightlife
- http://www.freerangestock.com - Free images for commerical or private use. Photos are high resolution, high quality and the database is keyword searchable.
- http://www.copyrightfreephotos.com - High quality free photo library for any use. The only exception is that images may not be added to other photo libraries (either online or offline) - without written permission from the site owner.
- http://www.hscripts.com/freeimages/ - Free Clipart pictures, each in 48 colours.
- http://www.freemages.net - A quality library indexing free high resolution pictures (Free Art Licenced images that can be modified, reused and even sold under the Free Art Licence conditons)
- http://www.freedigitalphotos.net - Over 2,000 free images.
- http://gallica.bnf.fr/ - Digital documents from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF). (website is in French)
- http://www.gnuart.net - GNU Art.
- Flickr has a special section for pictures tagged with a Creative Commons license. For example: BY and BY-SA
- Public Domain Spain Pictures - Public Domain Spain Photo Gallery, Public domain pictures of Spain, Copyrights-free photo archive containing the collection of free, public domain images and photos of Spain
- http://flag.blackened.net/anarpics/ - Images of anarchists and anarchist symbols
- http://yotophoto.com/ - A search engine for free images. Do not get the few that are not under a Wikipedia compatible license however.
- http://jeffooi.com/ - Sebuah blog yang dilesen di bawah Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike. Ada ramai imej yang boleh diguna, tetapi jangan andaikan semua imej dilesen di bawah lesen Creative Commons. Sesetengah imej sebenarnya daripada agensi media atau sumber yang tidak bebas.
- http://www.lensamalaysia.com/ - Sebuah koleksi imej yang dilesen di bawah Creative Commons Attribution. Galerinya tidak boleh dilawati pada masa sekarang kerana masalah teknikal, tetapi ada banyak gambar di bahagian lain.
Imej "public domain" yang dicipta oleh komputer
- http://stellwagen.er.usgs.gov/mapit/ - Automatic public domain map generating program
- http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/cin/index-e.html - Canadian Illustrated News, 1869-1883
Sumber meta untuk imej "public domain"
- http://www.wfu.edu/~tedforrl/imagcoll.html
- http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/links/clipart.html (a lengthy list of categorised links to other public domain image sources, many of those links don't work though)
- http://dmoz.org/Computers/Graphics/Clip_Art/Public_Domain/ (a list of links to sites with public domain clip art)
- http://www.graphicsngraphicdesign.com/freestockphotos-graphicdesigners/
- http://images.google.com - search for images on government sites; this still requires one to check the copyright status of each image.
Pautan yang tiada kategori
Laman kerajaan AS
- http://www.firstgov.gov/Topics/Graphics.shtml - A portal to US Government images and photos. "Most of these images and graphics are available for use in the public domain"
- http://memory.loc.gov/ - U.S. Library of Congress digital image archive. (Some images are still under copyright, so caveat emptor.)
- http://pictures.fws.gov/ - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service pictures
- http://images.fws.gov/ - More U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service imagery
- http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/ - NOAA Photo Library
- http://images.usace.army.mil/ - United States Army Corps of Engineers Digital Visual Library
- http://photolibrary.usap.gov/ - Antarctic Photo Library
- http://www.usda.gov/oc/photo/opchomea.htm - USDA Online Photography Center
- http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/graphics/photos/ - USDA Agriculture Research Service Image gallery
- http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/nhcorg11.htm Department of the Navy - Naval Historical Center Photographic Section
Imej yang dianggap "public domain" di Amerika Syarikat
Wikipedia's image servers are located in the United States, and Wikipedia is only legally bound to respect those copyright restrictions that apply to the U.S. The U.S. has no copyright treaties with several countries, and works produced in those countries by residents of those countries are not protected by copyright in the U.S. The countries for which this applies are Afghanistan (works created before 2002 only), Bhutan, Ethiopia, Iraq (works created before 2004 only), Iran, Nepal, and Yemen (presumably, although the status of Yemen is ambiguous). Even if the use of a material would be considered a copyright violation in these countries, the use is not prosecutable in the U.S. Therefore the following materials may legally be considered public domain resources in the U.S. (In other countries, you should determine whether your government has a bilateral copyright agreement with the country in question before treating the images as public domain.)
Again, be sure that the photo was taken in the country in question, by a resident of the country (and not a by tourist or foreign reporter).
- Bhutan News Online
- The Kingdom of Bhutan (This site says "United States and international copyrights apply." However this is incorrect.)
- An Iranian photoblog
- A collection of Iranian blogs
- Irna.com (Iran)
- Iran Newspaper
- Iran Daily
- His Majesty's Government of Nepal
- Yemen Times
- The Yemen Observer
- http://olpaimages.nsf.gov/index.html - The National Science Foundation Image Library: Really great resource for all sorts of science imagery. Must fill out form to download, but most images are for public use as long as attributed. You can use {{NSFIL}} for copyright tagging (don't forget attribution).
- http://www.igs.net/~bmitchell/Tennis/tennis.htm - Photo gallery of women's tennis players. Photos taken by bmitchell are specially marked and free to be used with credit and link back to the site. (Photo's offline since october 2004).
- http://www.stervanwalcheren.nl/ (see http://www.stervanwalcheren.nl/2003/fotos03.php for the photos) - Site of a Dutch ladies' cycling tournament. All pictures copyright Frans Meijer, but may be copied provided the source is acknowledged.
- http://www.cepolina.com/freephoto/tt/1-sport.htm - All pictures are free for private or commercial use providing the source is acknowledged.