{{#expr: 34108752 + 393046/365 * {{Age in days|month1=7|day1=1|year1=2010}} round -3}}
With commas: 39,877,000
{{formatnum:{{#expr:( {{CanPop}} /1000) round 0}}000}}
- Unrounded = 39,877,375.073973
- Floored = 39,877,375
- { {Age in days|month1=7|day1=1|year1=2010}} = 5357
- { {#expr: 393046/365}} = 1,076.8383561644 people/day
- | url=http://www.statcan.gc.ca/ig-gi/pop-ca-eng.htm
- | title=Canada's population clock
- | publisher=Statistics Canada
- | date=2010-11-18
- | accessdate=2011-04-04
- | format=source code
- | quote=According to these rates: Canada's population would increase by 393,046 during the year 2010-2011, an average increase of one unit every minute and 20 seconds. At this rate, the population of Canada would reach 34,501,798 by July 1, 2011.
- | quote2=StartDate=new Date(2010, 6, 1); StartPop=34108752; EndDate=new Date(2011, 6, 1); EndPop=34501798
- | note= 34501798 – 393046 = 34108752; 2 dates are 365 days apart
- This automatically updates ONCE per day at 00:00 UTC (possibly 01:00 UTC during daylight savings) & rounds to nearest hundred.
- At 0:00 UTC-4 (midnight, Eastern Daylight Savings Time) Canada's population clock & this clock will have same value to nearest 5 people
- In 2007, I corrected for this time zone difference, but other people kept changing it.
- Since the discrepancy is minor, I have not bothered this year.
- No calculation for daylight savings here - depends on wiki server
- Canada pop clock does correct for daylight savings
- Canada pop clock actually counts backwards to enddate, so at 00:00 UTC-4 there may be a discrepancy of 1 person
- An estimate with any more sig figs can only be either false precision or extremely temporary.
- Please do not change formula without discussing on talk page.
- Rounding any further SOMETIMES (unpredictably) results in scientific notation. Having 5 zeroes at end seems to be the issue.
- { {#expr: 12300000}} => 1.23E+7
- { {#expr: 123400000}} => 1.234E+8
- { {#expr: 1234500000}} => 1.2345E+9
- { {#expr: 12345600000}} => 1.23456E+10
- { {#expr: 123456700000}} => 1.234567E+11
- { {#expr: 1230000}} => 1230000
- { {#expr: 12340000}} => 12340000
- { {#expr: 123450000}} => 123450000
- { {#expr: 1234560000}} => 1234560000
- { {#expr: 12345670000}} => 12345670000
Live demo:
gives "12300000" [1]"{{#expr:123400000}}"
gives "123400000" [2]"{{#expr:1234500000}}"
gives "1234500000" [3]"{{#expr:12345600000}}"
gives "12345600000" [4]"{{#expr:123456700000}}"
gives "123456700000" [5]
gives "1230000" [6]"{{#expr:12340000}}"
gives "12340000" [7]"{{#expr:123450000}}"
gives "123450000" [8]"{{#expr:1234560000}}"
gives "1234560000" [9]"{{#expr:12345670000}}"
gives "12345670000" [10]
Places rounded to |
result | "textified" | with commas | |
0 | 39,877,375 | |||
1 | 39,877,380 | 39877380 | 39,877,380 | |
2 | 39,877,400 | 39877400 | 39,877,400 | |
3 | 39,877,000 | 39877000 | 39,877,000 | at @1,076.84 per day this value will change daily |
4 | 39,880,000 | 39880000 | 39,880,000 | |
5 | 39,900,000 | 39900000 | 39,900,000 | |
6 | 40,000,000 | 40000000 | 40,000,000 | |
7 | 40,000,000 | 40000000 | 40,000,000 |