Ini ialah senarai model peredaran lautan, seperti digunakan dalam oseanografi fizikal.
Akronim | Nama lengkap |
ADCIRC | Model peredaran lanjutan (ADvanced CIRCulation model) |
COHERENS | Model ekologi hidrodinamik berganding untuk laut pentas rantauan (COupled Hydrodynamical Ecological model for REgioNal Shelf seas) |
FVCOM | Model lautan pinggir laut isi padu terhingga (Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model) |
HOPE | Model Peredaran Am Persamaan Primitif Lautan Hamburg (The Hamburg Ocean Primitive Equation General Circulation Model)[1] |
HYCOM | Model lautan koordinat hibrid (HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model) |
LSG | The Hamburg Large Scale Geostrophic Ocean General Circulation Model [2] |
MICOM | Model lautan koordinat isopiknik Miami (Miami Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model) |
MITgcm | M.I.T. Model peredaran am (General Circulation Model) |
MOHID | Model hidrodinamik (MOdelo HIDrodinâmico) |
MOM | Model lautan modul GFDL (Modular Ocean Model GFDL) |
NEMO | Nukleus untuk Pemodelan Eropah bagi Lautan (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) |
OPYC | Model peredaran am piknal lautan (The Ocean IsoPYCnal General Circulation Model)[3] [4] |
POM | Model Lautan Princeton (Princeton Ocean Model) |
POP | Program Lautan Selari (The Parallel Ocean Program) |
ROMS | Sistem Pemodelan Rantauan (The Regional Ocean Modeling System) |
- ^ Wolff J-O, Maier-Reimer E, Legutke S (1997) The Hamburg Ocean Primitive Equation Model HOPE. DKRZ report 13, Hamburg, Germany, doi:10.2312/WDCC/DKRZ_Report_No13.
- ^ Maier-Reimer E, Mikolajewicz U (1992) The Hamburg Large Scale Geostrophic Ocean General Circulation Model (Cycle 1). DKRZ report 2, Hamburg, Germany, doi:10.2312/WDCC/DKRZ_Report_No02.
- ^ Oberhuber JM (1993) Simulation of the Atlantic circulation with a coupled sea ice-mixed layer-isopycnal general circulation model, part I: model description. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 23, 808–829 doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1993)023<0808:SOTACW>2.0.CO;2.
- ^ Oberhuber JM (1993) The OPYC Ocean General Circulation Model. DKRZ report 7, Hamburg, Germany, doi:10.2312/WDCC/DKRZ_Report_No07.