Anda boleh baca ini jika mahukan maklumat tentang Kategori Wikipedia. --Algazel (bincang) 15:19, 5 Ogos 2013 (UTC)
Penyata Rasmi Parlimen, Dewan Rakyat
Lihat Penyata Rasmi Parlimen, Dewan Rakyat Yosri (bincang) 03:51, 23 Mei 2015 (UTC)
Unused file(s)
Hi! You have uploaded one or more files that is not in use. You can see all unused files in Kategori:Wikipedia orphaned files and there is a link you can click to see who uploaded the files (just search for your own name).
You can help by checking if the files are still useful. If yes add it to an article and remove the template {{Orphan file}}.
If it is no longer useful then nominate for deletion.
If the file is free it could be copied to Commons. If you need help you are welcome to ask Pengguna:MGA73. --MGA73bot (bincang) 11:03, 14 Mei 2020 (UTC)