Istana Negara ataupun sering dieja “Astana Nagara” ini dibina pada zaman pemerintahan Paduka Seri Sultan Perak ke-28, Paduka Seri Sultan Idris Murshidul Aazam Shah ibni Al-Marhum Kuddus Raja Bendahara Alang Iskandar. Setelah menaiki takhta kerajaan Negeri Perak pada 1887, baginda menitahkan supaya satu kawasan (Chandan) yang terletak di seberang Sayong untuk dibuka untuk membina pusat pemerintahan yang baharu kerana Sayong itu sering dinaiki air bah. Oleh itu, sebuah istana dengan binaan kayu telah dibina di Chandan.
Kronologi Pembinaan Istana
Bagi mewujudkan satu istana pemerintahan sesuai dengan kemajuan kerajaan Negeri Perak, Sultan Idris berkehendakkan pula sebuah istana binaan batu dibangunkan di Kuala Kangsar. Beberapa fakta (daripada Warta Kerajaan Negeri Perak) tentang perkembangan pembinaan istana ini dikeluarkan secara kronologi:
- Pada 28 Mac 1890, sejumlah pembiayaan telahpun dikhaskan untuk pembinaan istana ini, dengan nilai $10,000. Namun mengalami penangguhan kerana Paduka Seri Sultan Idris mengambil masa untuk memutuskan rekabentuk dan pelan yang diperkenan baginda untuk istananya.
- Pada 14 Ogos 1890, Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan yang terletak di Taiping telah mengeluarkan iklan tender untuk pembinaan sebuah istana di Kuala Kangsar untuk Paduka Seri Sultan Perak, Sultan Idris Murshidul Aazam Shah. Tajuk iklan tender yang dikeluarkan berbunyi:
Tenders are invited for the construction of an Istana for His Highness the Sultan at Kuala Kangsar. These should be addressed to the Secretary to Government, sealed, and marked on the outside “Tender for Istana”, and will be received at his Office up to noon of August the 30th. Plans and specifications can be seen at the State Engineer’s Office in Taiping. Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender.”
- Pada 3 Oktober 1890, Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan, Taiping telah menerima penender bernama Fam Ah Fook untuk membina istana tersebut.
- Pada 22 Disember 1890, pembiayaan untuk pembinaan istana tersebut ditambah sebanyak $30,000. Pada 26 Ogos 1892, terdapat laporan mengenai perkembangan pembinaan istana di dalam Warta Kerajaan. Laporan tersebut menyatakan istana tersebut masih di dalam proses pembinaan:
“The walls of the new Istana for His Highness the Sultan were built up to the full height, and the back part of the building was roofed in.”
- Pada 19 Ogos 1892, Sultan Idris berkenan menerima insignia Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George daripada wakil Kerajaan British. Semasa majlis penganugerahan insignia tersebut, Sultan Idris dan wakil kerajaan British ke Bukit Chandan diiringi pasukan berkuda 1st Perak Sikhs (tentera peribadi baginda). Berikut adalah sedikit potongan laporan peristiwa yang turut menyatakan tentang hal Istana yang sedang dibina:
“His Excellency and suite, accompanied by the Acting Resident, and with a mounted escort of the 1st Perak Sikhs, drove to the Istana, at Bukit Chandan, where His Excellency was received by His Highness the Sultan, and Mr. Arthur Butler, Collector and Magistrate of the District. The Governor and the Sultan, on the termination of the proceedings, drove to the spacious Istana which has been nearly completed for His Highness at Bukit Nagara Kastan Zurian.”
- Pada 2 Februari 1893, satu iklan tender dikeluarkan oleh Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan untuk menjemput penender membina kandang kuda di istana yang sedang dibina.
- Pada 3 Mac 1893, Paduka Seri Sultan Idris yang diiringi Residen British berkenan memeriksa perkembangan pembinaan istana baginda. Dinyatakan dalam rekod:
“H.H. the Sultan, with the Resident, drove to Bukit Indra Nagara, and thoroughly inspected the astana recently constructed for His Highness. The Perak Band played in the evening at the old astana of His Highness.”
- Pada 25 April 1893, Pong Ah Wah adalah penender yang diterima untuk membina kandang kuda di istana Sultan Idris.
- Pada 26 Mei 1893, kenyataan penghargaan telah dinyatakan dalam Warta Kerajaan Negeri Perak mengenai istana tersebut. Kenyataan seperti berikut:
“The extension of the Perak Museum, which when finished will be the handsomest building in the State, was commenced, and the new Astana for H.H. the Sultan at Kuala Kangsar was almost completed. This building, which does great credit to the architect (Mr. Wilson) is as unique in design (the original sketch was furnished by the Sultan and the Malay type is preserved) as it is excellent in arrangement and striking in appearance. The site is the most beautiful in the State, overlooking the broad Perak River and surrounded by ranges of hills.”
- Pada 13 Februari 1894, pegawai British melawat Kuala Kangsar dan turut melawat Istana yang baharu siap. Dilaporkan seperti berikut:
“His Excellency the Governor and party, accompanied by the British Resident and the Secretary to Government, arrived at Kuala Kangsar on the 13th, at midday, when the Governor was received with a guard of honour and the usual salute. In the afternoon His Excellency, the British Resident, and the Secretary to Government, visited the Sultan at Bukit Chandan, and subsequently drove to Bukit Nagara, to inspect the new astana. His Excellency and the British Resident left for Kinta on the morning of the 14th.”
- Pada 12 Mac 1894, Admiral Fremantle (HMS Alacrity) tiba di Taiping dan kemudian turut ke Kuala Kangsar menjadi tetamu Sultan Idris di Istana Negara. Laporan dipetik berbunyi:
“ADMIRAL FREMANTLE, in HMS Alacrity, arrived off the Larut River on the 7th instant. The secretary to the Perak Government, and the commandant of the Perak Sikhs proceeded in the yacht Mena to meet the Admiral and to escort him to Taiping, where H.E arrived by special train at 6.30 p.m., and drove to the Residency."
- 8 a.m. , His Excellency the Governor and Suite, with the British Resident, will drive to Kuala Kangsar (23 miles), where His Highness the Sultan and Malay Chiefs will receive His Excellency, 4.30 p.m., the Governor will drive to Bukit Chandan, and later to the Sultan’s Astana at Bukit Indra Nagara.