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KeteranganHafnium pellets with a thin oxide layer.jpg
Deutsch: Reine (99,9 %), lichtbogengeschmolzeneHafnium-Stücke mit sichtbaren kristallinen Strukturen. Vorder- und Rückansicht. Die Farben werden in der dünnen Oxidschicht erzeugt. Die Metallstücke wurden auf einer weißen Glasplatte photographiert.
English: Pure (99.9 %), argon arc remeltedhafnium-ingots with visible crystalline structures. View of the front- and backside. Colors are a thin film effect in the oxide layer. The metal piece-photo was taken on a white glass plate.
Français : Galets de hafniumrefondus à l'aide d'un arc d'argon, avec structures cristallines visibles. Vue de devant et de derrière. Les couleurs sont un effet de film fin dans la couche d'oxyde. La photo des pièces de métal a été prise sur une plaque de verre blanc.
made by focus stacking software from 3x single 16bit TIFF shots and a stitch of two images.
This photo was taken by Alchemist-hp. If you use one of my photos, an email (account needed) or a message or direct to: my email account would be greatly appreciated. Please note the license terms. Other licensing terms can get discussed, too.
Ini adalah gambar sentuh, ini bermakna bahawa ia telah didigitalkan dari versi asal. Modifikasi: Focus stack with Helicon Focus of 13 images and a stitching of two images..
This item is available under multiple licenses. When using it, you can choose which of the following licenses to use. Please make sure you respect the license terms of the license you choose, including any requirements and restrictions (such as attribution requirements and restrictions on commercial use).
Copyleft: Karya seni ini adalah bebas; anda boleh mengedarkannya semula dan/atau mengubahsuainya berlandaskan syarat-syarat Lesen Seni Bebas. Anda akan menemui satu spesimen lesen ini di tapak Copyleft Attitude dan juga tapak-tapak web yang lain. Art Licensefalsetrue
English: Pure (99.9 %), argon arc remeltedhafnium-ingots with visible crystalline structures. View of the front- and backside. Colors are a thin film effect in the oxide layer. The metal piece-photo was taken on a white glass plate.
Other languages:
Bosanski: Komadići 99,9% čistog hafnija istopljenog u gasnom volframskom luku, vidljiva je i kristalna struktura hafnija. Boje oksidnog sloja su zbog efekta tankog filma.
Čeština: Ingotky čistého hafnia (99,8 %) přetavené elektickým obloukem v ochranné atmosféře argonu s viditelnou krystalickou strukturou. Zbarvení je způsobenou tenkým filmem oxidu na povrchu kovu.
Deutsch: Reine (99,9 %), lichtbogengeschmolzeneHafnium-Stücke mit sichtbaren kristallinen Strukturen. Vorder- und Rückansicht. Die Farben werden in der dünnen Oxidschicht erzeugt. Die Metallstücke wurden auf einer weißen Glasplatte photographiert.
English: Pure (99.9 %), argon arc remeltedhafnium-ingots with visible crystalline structures. View of the front- and backside. Colors are a thin film effect in the oxide layer. The metal piece-photo was taken on a white glass plate.
Français : Hafnium.
Italiano: Campioni di Afnio puro al 99,9% rifusi con un saldatore ad arco al tungsteno visti fronte retro, con una visibile struttura cristalina. I colori sono un effetto dovuto a sottile strato di ossido.
Nederlands: Pure hafnium-ingots met zichtbare kristallijne structuren. Zicht op de voor- en achterzijde.
Македонски: Чисти (99,9%) хафниумски грутки претопени со аргонски лак и видлива кристална структура (поглед од напред и назад). Тенкиот шарен слој е производ на оксидацијата.
== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{ |de=Reine (99,9 %), lichtbogengeschmolzeneHafnium-Stücke. Vorder und Rückansicht. Die Farben werden in der [[:de:Dünne ...
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