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Dato’ Sri Dr. Akhbar Satar is the president of Malaysia Integrity and Governance Society(MIG). He is the former immediate President of Transparency International Malaysia, the accredited national chapter of the Berlin-based Transparency International, which is an independent, non-governmental and non-partisan organisation committed to fight against corruption at all levels of society .
Dr Akhbar is the founder of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)- Malaysia Chapter. ACFE is an Austin, Texas based world’s largest anti-fraud organization and premier provider of anti-fraud, anti- corruption training and education with 95,000 members in more than 150 countries.
Additionally, Akhbar has more than 40 years of investigative experience including more than 18 years of experience with the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA), now known as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC). During his service with the ACA, he held numerous senior management positions including as a State ACA Director and Director of Training at ACA before his optional retirement from the agency in 2001.
In the private sector, he has more than 17 years of experience including being appointed as a Director of Hill & Associates (Malaysia), a Hong Kong based Security Risk Management company for more than 2 years. Akhbar is also the Director of the Portcullis International Business Consulting (S) Pte Ltd. as well as Portcullis Risk Consulting Sdn Bhd since 2004 specializing in business solution services to improve client competitiveness through business risk analysis and management.
He also set up Akhbar & Associates Sdn Bhd, a company investigating corporate fraud, economic crime and risk management. The company also set up a Polygraph Science Academy to conduct and train professionals in polygraph examination.
In the academic fraternity, Akhbar Satar who is a criminologist and crime analyst is the Director and holds professorial chair at the Institute of Crime & Criminology and a Senior Research Fellow and Chief Integrity Officer of HELP University, Kuala Lumpur, a position he has held since 2006 He played a key role in establishing the Master of Science in Economic Crime Management program. He was also an Academic Advisor at the Faculty of Accountancy, University Technology MARA (UiTM) from 2014-2016. In 2018, Akhbar is the Adjunct Fellow, Asian Research Institute for Corruption, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).
He obtained an MA in Criminal Justice Studies from the University of Detroit, USA in 1990 and holds Doctor in Business Administration(Organizational Criminology).Akhbar is also a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and a Forensic Polygraph Examiner. In addition, he was accepted as an Affiliate member of the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers, a full member of the prestigious American Polygraph Association, member of the American Society of Criminology and member of the International Association of Crime Analysts.
In 2015, he was appointed by the government as a member of National Consultative Committee on Political Funding and in 2019 a committee member of Investigative Committee for Governance, Procurement and Governance Finance chaired by Tan Sri Ambrin Buang, the Malaysia’s former Auditor General.
In 2020, Akhbar was appointed by Yang Dipertuan Agong as the Anti-Corruption Advisory Board of MACC. In 2021 he was appointed as Board member Institute of Integrity Malaysiw(IIM).
Akhbar is also a member of the Nomination Committee (Education & Community) of the Merdeka Award where DYMM Sultan Nazrin is the Royal Patron of the Merdeka Award Trust and the chairman of the Merdeka Award Board of Trustees.
As a speaker, he has spoken widely on fraud, corruption, ethics, integrity and detection of deception in seminars and conferences held both locally and internationally.
www.akhbarassociates.com www.acfe.com.my
Dato’ Sri Dr. Akhbar bin Satar, SSAP, adalah Presiden Pertubuhan Integriti dan Governan Malaysia(MIG). Beliau juga adalah Pengasas Persatuan PEMERIKSA Fraud Bertauliah Malaysia (Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Malaysia Chapter)http://acfe.com.my serta berfungsi sebagai organisasi memberi latihan mencegah dan menyiasat kes-kes penyelewengan korporat dan fraud di Malaysia. Beliau yang berasal dari Kelantan memegang jawatan Presiden sejak tahun 2003 sehingga kini dan merupakan anak Melayu pertama dianugerahkan “Certified Fraud Examiner” di Malaysia. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners berpengkalan di Austin Amerka Syarikat mempunyai 85,000 orang ahli.https://www.acfe.com/
Dato'Sri Akhbar Satar juga adalah Presiden Transaparency International Malaysia bagi tahun 2013-2019.
Dato' Sri Akhbar bin Satar seorang Kriminologis dan juga adalah mantan Pengarah Badan Pencegah Negeri dan Pengarah Bahagian latihan BPR, beliau telah banyak memberi sumbangan dalam usaha mencegah rasuah, penyelewengan korporat dan fraud. Beliau mempunyai integriti yang tinggi, seorang yang kreatif dan aktif di dalam persatuan. Di atas kepakaran beliau, kini beliau telah dilantik sebagai Pengarah dan Felow Kanan serta memegang professorial chair di Insitute of Crime and Criminology di HELP University, Kuala Lumpur bagi membantu pusat pengajian ini dalam usaha membenteras penipuan dan jenayah korporat di kalangan masyarkat.
Akhbar menulis dua buku : Rasuah,Jenayah dan Malaysia https://malaysia.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789671408506 dan Corruption and Crime in Malaysia: Perception or Reality https://www.mphonline.com/en/productdetails/books/malaysian-collection/9789671408513 Diarkibkan 2020-07-01 di Wayback Machine
Lulusan Masters in Criminal Justice dari University of Detroit, USA pada tahun 1989
Dato' Sri Akhbar adalah honorary member of Livonia Police Lieutenants & Sergeants Association, Michigan, Oakland Criminal Justice Association, Michigan dan Wayne County Detective Association, Michigan, USA. Akhbar juda adalah Associate Member of Institute of Bankers Malaysia and the Full Member of prestigious American Polygraph Association.
Beliau adalah Pengerusi Eksekutif Akhbar & Associates dan Pengarah Urusan Polygraph Science Academy Malaysia yang menjalankan ursus Pemeriksa Poligraf Bertauliah. Di antara pelajar yang menghadiri kursus ini ialah dari Phippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. Beliau sendiri telah menjalankan pemeriksa poligraf lebih dari 5,000 orang di seluruh dunia
Beliau banyak memberi ceramah berkaitan penipuan dan penyelewengan kewangan di dalam dan luar negara.
Pautan luar
- 21/11/2009; SPRM boleh 'lumpuh' - Akhbar; Oleh ZABRY MOHAMAD Diarkibkan 2009-11-23 di Wayback Machine
- Tech: Meet the human lie detector; 2011/04/24
- Most Malaysians Unaware of Web Dangers.
- Wednesday May 11, 2011; Splashers suffer from psychopathy; By P. ARUNA
- https://university.help.edu.my/faculties/institute-of-crime-and-criminology/
- https://malaysia.kinokuniya.com/bw/9789671408506
- https://www.mphonline.com/en/productdetails/books/malaysian-collection/9789671408513 Diarkibkan 2020-07-01 di Wayback Machine
www.akhbarassociates.com www.acfe.com.my https://university.help.edu.my/dato-sri-akhbar-satar-appointed-chief-integrity-officer-at-help-university/
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