Methodist Girls' Secondary School Melaka, (Malay: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Perempuan Methodist Melaka, abbreviated: MGSS) is a public all-girls school in Malacca, Malaysia.
School History
4 June 1904 - MGSS Melaka was founded by Mrs Emma Ferris Shellabear with the aim of educating young girls and spreading Christianity. The school was named the Methodist School.
1906 - School enrolment had increased to 60. A house was rented in Tranquerah Road (Malay: Jalan Tengkera) as a hostel for the pupils.
1909 - A site was bought for a girls' school and missionary home.
1910 - The school had move to Kubu Road (Malay: Jalan Kubu) and was known as the Methodist English School. The school was located on the ground floor. The first floor of the building was used as a hostel.
1920 - The school moved to a new building at Bickley Park, Tranquerah (now the Methodist Girls' Primary School 1) to accomodate over 200 students.
1927 - Work on two blocks of the school at Bickley Park was completed at a cost of $150,000. The school has nine full-sized classrooms, a hall, a library and a teachers' room. It was known as Suydam Girls' School then.
1933 - Work on the Bickley Hall was completed.
1941 - 1945 Japanese Occupation. The school was used by the Japanese army and later became a Teachers' Training Centre for Japanese education.
24 September 1945 - All English schools were reopened after the war.
1949 - A block of three primary classrooms was erected.
1953 - Opening of the Shellabear Block. It housed a science laboratory, a library and eight classrooms.
1957 - The Vocational Block, now the Living Skills Workshop (Malay: bengkel kemahiran hidup) and four classrooms were completed.
1 January 1958 - The Primary and Secondary Schools functioned as separate units.
1961 - The Lee Kuo Chuan Block, with a staff room, principal's office, school office, a store and a classroom, was completed.
1970 - The three-storey Tan Keong Keng Block consisting of classrooms was completed.
1996 - The three-storey Tan Cheng Lock Block, comprising of 12 classrooms, a stage and a computer room, was builts. During this time, the school had two sessions: Remove and Form One in the afternoon, and the other forms in the morning.
1998 - MGSS became a single-session school with all classes being held in the morning.
2004 - Restoration of the Shellabear block was completes. MGSS celebrated her 100th year of founding.
3 May 2005 - The Heritage of Malaysia Trust (Malay: Badan Warisan Malaysia) awarded the Shellabear block a National Heritage Award of Excellence for the year 2004 under the "Restoration" category.
28 May 2006 - The Lee Kuo Chuan Hall was restored.
2006 - A new basketball court was completed.
2009 - A new canteen was completed.
2010 - The school held a 106th Anniversary and a fund-raising dinner.
2011 - The Labs 3 and 4 at the Science Block was restored.
2014 - Erection of roof cover over basketball court.
2018 - MGSS celebrated her 114th year of founding.
2019 - The Gallery Room moved to an upgraded room.
Organisation Chart (Administration)
Principal: Tay Kim Chye
Senior Assistant of Administration: Rohana binti Abdul Aziz
Senior Assistant of Students Affair: Chia Mui Hoon
Senior Assistant of Cocurriculum: Fabilah binti Johar
Head of Department (Languages): Chuah Kean Kong
Head of Department (Science & Mathematics): Romanis binti Muhamat
Head of Department (Technology & Vocational): Ngwee Chai Fong
Head of Department (Humanity): Koo Kim Foong
The Gleam
School Emblem, Motto, Vision and Mission
School Emblem
The blue colour symbolises the unity among students. The yellow colour represents optimism and energy. The torch also symbolises the need of faith in seeking righteousness.
School Motto
There is the "School Motto" noting the philosophical enterprise of the institution which is the expectation for students to "Live Worthily".
School Vision
"Commited to Excellence"
School Mission
To produce competent and caring students who excel in both academic and co-curricular activities.
School Song
The school song (score and lyrics) was composed by Mrs Girlie Ong and the MGSS Music Society members of 1969. The Malay version, which was later added to the song, was written by the late Rev. Elkanah T. Suwito.
To MGS we'll sing a song,
You're more than worthy of our loyalty,
Guide of our gay and youthful days,
Our praise and faith to you belong.
MGS, MGS, we'll sing to you,
Your living spirit leads us on,
MGS, MGS, we'll raise our voices,
Pray God keep and bless you always.
Malay: Oh, MGS yang kami puja,
Gedung ilmu yang kami hargai,
Gah-namamu sudah nyata,
Kami doakan selalu.
School Charter
We, the teachers of Methodist Girls' Secondary School, Melaka, pledge to do our utmost in guiding the students attain a high level of excellence in their personal conduct, as well as in the academic field and co-curricular activities, in order to fulfil our nation's vision.
Towards achieving this noble goal, we will strive to:
1. Use our experience and enhance our expertise in educating the students.
2. Create a culture of knowledge, excellence and living worthily amongst students.
3. Prepare students to face the challenges of the future.
4. Mould students to be caring, God-fearing and morally upright citizens.
5. Prepare students to be mentally and physically fit.
6. Promote the spirit of harmony and unity amongst the students.
7. Nurture students to be responsible citizens, contributing meaningfully to the school, community and country.
8. Carry out our duties in an efficient and judicious manner, as well as employ new methodology and technology in educating the students.
9. Be sensitive to the needs of the students and to care for them.
10. Improve the image of the school.
List of Co-curricular Activities
Uniformed Bodies
- Girl Guides
- Girls' Brigade
- Rangers
- St John Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM)
- Malaysian Red Crescent Society (BSMM)
- Kadet Sekolah Pertahanan Awam (KASPA)
- Kadet Polis
- Puteri Islam
- Kadet Remaja Sekolah Malaysia (KRS)
- Ada Pugh House
- Shellabear House
- Tan Cheng Lock House
- Tan Keong Keng House
Sports & Games
- Chess
- Gymnastics
- Handball
- Hockey
- Netball
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Table tennis
- Futsal
Clubs & Societies
- Malay Language
- English Language
- Chinese Language
- Christian Fellowship
- Islamic
- Buddhist
- Arts
- The Textbook Loan Scheme
- Choir
- Crime Watch
- Malaysian Nature Society
- Guidance & Counselling
- 24 Seasons Drum
- Mathematics and Science
- Photography
- Social Science
- Computer
- Co-operative
- Young Doctors
Address: 440-B, Jalan Tengkera, 75200 Melaka.
Telephone: 06-2823606
Fax: 06-2827604